Villa Viken
Rental info
Maps from airport to house
Link to Google Maps from Chania Airport to the house. About 40 minutes drive.
Link to Google Maps from Heraklion Airport to the house. About 2 hours drive.
I’ll also take the opportunity to send you some additional information ☺
Directions from Chania Airport here:
From the airport in Chania, follow the signs for Rethymnon. After approx. 10 minutes drive turn left at a roundabout down towards Souda (Also signposted Rethymnon). After passing Souda follow the main road towards Rethymnon. From the main road, there will eventually be a large sign on the right for Kalyves / Armenoi. Take the exit there and then turn left to Kalyves. Follow this road until you reach a T-junction. Turn right (sign Tsivares / Vamos), follow the road for a few hundred meters until there is a sign on the left with Plaka 5/ Almirida 3. Follow this road all the way to Almirida. In Almirida take the first road on the right after a small shop (not signposted) (It is also possible to drive straight through the town). Follow the road straight ahead through Almirida (in the middle of Almirida the road splits - follow signs for Plaka. After the square in Plaka turn right up towards Kambia and follow the road until you pass Totem cafe, then there is a sharp right turn and take off at the next turn ( first exit) there is the sign Ano Plaka. Then you see a steep road down to the right. The garage to the house is the first on the left There are faster ways to the house, but there are some steep hills. The house number is 13 and there is a sign on the wall next to the garage.
You can easily take a taxi to the house from Chania and there is a taxi rank at the airport. In any case, I would recommend booking a taxi in advance, then you usually also get a better price.
Order from the local Taxi Station in Almyrida via https://almyridataxi.gr There is an order form on the page or send an e-mail. Make sure you get a confirmation by email. Unsure of the price now, but we have previously paid 45-50 Euro.
There is a garage under the house. If the garage door is closed, there is a remote control on the shelf to the left just after the front door. NB! Press "1" to open and "1" to close. Do not press any other buttons.
The garage door should normally be closed as there is a pump and cleaning system for the swimming pool which can be noisy and disturbing for neighbors.
I have attached a couple of maps of the roads in the area. NB! If you go down to the center of Plaka, there are some narrow roads that you can walk on that do not appear on Google Maps. The shortest route is shown on the map.
There is a key locker down by the floor to the left of the front door (behind a shoe rack). The code is 1331 (set the code in the middle of the front, and open from the top - the hinge below). There is one house key there. Several keys to the house and communal pool inside the house on the shelf right after the entrance. Remember to put the key back in the key locker immediately.
Private swimming pool:
There is a private swimming pool in the garden of 3x5 metres. The depth is approx. 1.5 meters. Diving is not allowed! Please use the outdoor shower before bathing.
Otherwise, normal rules for using the pool. Show consideration for neighbors and keep a moderate noise level.
There is also access to a communal swimming pool two rows below. Remember to bring a key.
WiFi network: Viken, Code: plaka1331.
We use an Apple TV. It works like this: Switch on the Apple TV with the remote control, the TV should then switch on automatically. Then select the desired app. If you have your own TV subscription, you can log in with these. The TV signals go on the WIFI network, so you should not use the network for other things when watching TV (the picture may disappear because there is not enough bandwidth).
There is air conditioning in all bedrooms and in the living room.
NB! Air conditioning must only be switched on in rooms that are actively used. The bedrooms cool down within 5 minutes.
Towels and bed linen:
There is plenty of this in the house in the tall cupboards in both large bedrooms.
Several large beach towels that can be taken to the beach.
Rental car:
We mostly rent a car from a company called Flisvos. They have an office in Almirida and you can collect and deliver the car at the airport. Decent prices. They can be contacted by email: info@flisvos.com or by phone: 0030 28250 31100 (Almirida office). We normally arrange the rental by email, pick up the car at the airport and go to the office in Almirida for papers and payment the next day. In addition, we have used Auto-club Rentals, they also have an office in Almyrida.
Sunbeds and sunbeds for the beach:
In the garage there are also some chairs and sunbeds that you can take with you to the beach if you wish.
Check out:
Check-out is normally at 11 o'clock so that the cleaners have time to prepare for the next tenant.
I would like to ask you to tidy up so that it looks OK before departure. Rubbish in the bin and towels on the bathroom. Nice if you also manage to put the dishwasher on before you travel.
I don’t think that there is someone coming right after you. Please let me now when you want to check out?
From the house, it is less than 10 minutes to walk to Plaka. In Plaka there are 4-5 restaurants and a cafe/bar and a couple of grocery stores. We normally have dinner in Plaka (at Elpis, Takis or Harokopos) and preferably lunch on the beach in Almyrida. It is 15-20 minutes to walk to Almyrida (Or a 5 mintes drive). Here there is a large selection of restaurants and cafes.
Restaurants in Plaka (7-8 min walk)
https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=739f8bb380e4c7ed&sca_upv=1&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:9&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=ADLYWIJlJJoNwj1V_2leZpNykClDO-ZlHQ:1717760387463&q=local+restaurants+plaka+crete&rflfq=1&num=10&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAvdCNtMmGAxUpJBAIHT0IH_QQjGp6BAgfEAE&biw= 1606&bih=939&dpr=2#rlfi=hd:;si:13772936844984870288,l,Ch1sb2NhbCByZXN0YXVyYW50cyBwbGFrYSBjcmV0ZUi2z866m7qAgAhaJxAAGAAiF3Jlc3RhdXJhbnRzIHBsYWthIGNyZXRlKgQIAxAAMg JlbpIBFGJyZWFrZmFzdF9yZXN0YXVyYW50qgFLEAEqCSIFcGxha2EoADIfEAEiG92fJyuPOjNaYnTyltAfVUdV-ZMPI3EJAfZBMjIbEAIiF3Jlc3RhdXJhbnRzIHBsYWthIGNyZXRl,y,rmGn_XicVzA;mv:[[35.455226382 90611,24.2147924464493],[35.44828701764042,24.2077865165024]]
Restaurants in Almyrida (15-20 min walk)
https://www.google.com/search?q=local+restaurants+almyrida+crete&sca_esv=739f8bb380e4c7ed&sca_upv=1&biw=1606&bih=939&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=ADLYWIJMhLh0APUO3JQDKNaDn7YwjNBgvg%3A1717760393464&ei=ifFiZrD5G_fTwPAP1NQZ&udm=&ved=0ahUKEwjw4b6QtMmGAxX3KRAIHVRqBgAQ4dUDCAg&uact=5&oq=local+restaurants+almyrida+ crete&gs_lp=Eg1nd3Mtd2l6LWxvY2FsIiBsb2NhbCByZXN0YXVyYW50cyBhbG15cmlkYSBjcmV0ZTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESLghULMJWJgecAB4AJABAJgBYKAB6giqAQIxNrgBA8gBAPgBAZgCEKACiQnCAgQQIxgnwgIHECMYsAIYJ8IC BBAhGArCAggQIRigARjDBJgDAIgGAZIHAjE2oAewMQ&sclient=gws-wiz-local#rlfi=hd:;si:;mv:[[35.4503873,24.2039954],[35.4482704,24.1964777]];tbs:lrf:!1m4!1u3!2m2!3m1!1e1 !1m4 !1u2!2m2!2m1!1e1!2m1!1e2!2m1!1e3!3sIAE,lf:1,lf_ui:9
Let me know if there is anything else you are wondering about, or if something comes up. I have a "caretaker" who can come by if needed.
Wishing you a really good trip and holiday! ☀️
Best regards
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